See for Yourself

25 January 2016

Hey chap! Move a few huge steps to the left, now take one slightly shorter step forward, shift right a tiny-tiny bit, shake your hands, calm your breath and look down. Can you see him? Meet Nick! Blue on red. Nick says, I’m looking through you. Stand a little out of my sun!

Jump up Nick, drag yourself high, take three leaps to the East, roll over the threshold, rush through the door and find yourself face-to-face with Olivia! Red on blue. Olivia says, Of this later Nick. I have been thinking of colors, and I find them all quite amuzing. Don’t you agree?
They stay there giggling and charming each other. They speak about colors, stars, sweets, arts, shadows, pillows, teachers, English weather, Polish ballet, Chinese vastness, African soil. They know it all equally well but they still keep chatting, as if they must use the daily allowed limit of words. You are a good fiend Olivia, finally says exhausted Nick. A good friend of mine you are Nick, slowly replies Olivia. Silence falls down. The limit of words is over.

This silence is held by Makar. Orange on green. He is the only one who knows the secret of silence. When he smiles, the world around him gets quiet. Better stay close to this boy. If you like silence more than solitude, if you like science even more than silence, if you like guidance even more than science, if you like blessing even more than guidance, I urge you to stay close to this boy!

Makar talks with his eyes, and his eyes say, We the eyes of Makar witness the world as it is. There is no good and bad in this world. There is neither orange and green, no red and blue in this world. The world is calm and colorless. See for yourself.

Be it upwards or sideways that you look, surprises always come from where you never expect them to come. As Dragon Ming used to say, Stay alert, and the butterfly will never escape your vision. Stay half-alert, and the butterfly will never cross your way. Stay calm, and the snail will begin to admire you. See for yourself, perhaps the time has come for a little change…