Cross-Cultural Aesthetic of Macau
Macau by all means is a great place to visit. Similar to Hong Kong, but in its own charming manner, it really is a soup of different cultures, times, styles, religions, contrasts, colours. A kind of soup you’d love to taste occasionally but would hardly consume daily. I always step on that land intending to leave soon–most likely, on the very same night. And perhaps this is why unknown sides of Macau reveal themselves to me every time I come there anew. Have a look at some of my most recent discoveries.
Macau is made of wood and silence.

Macau is coloured red.

Macau is made of bricks and sunlight.

Macau has been put into iron.

Macau has been put into stone.

Macau may be seen from beneath.

And Macau may be seen from above.

Compared to Hong Kong, Macau spans its history over twice as long a time period. Dragon Dubo living in Macau is older, wiser, richer and perhaps weaker than his counterpart, Dragon Ming from Hong Kong. But they both have always been paying respect to each other.