Secret Adventures of Dragon Ming
I will tell you a short and true story about Dragon Ming and his secret adventures that happened on the night of September 14 somewhere over Hong Kong.

Before doing anything else, on the night of September 14 Dragon Ming put all tired people to sleep. “They deserve it”, he thought, and how right he was.

And for those who remained alert, Dragon Ming, the youngest in his family, decided to color his beautiful city. As the city was black-and-white before Dragon Ming colored it. It was black here and it was white there.

On the night of September 14 Dragon Ming, the youngest in his family, lit up imagination of those who remained alert. “I shall call it enriched perception“, he decided.

Dragon Ming made those who remained alert believe in wonders. This was the easiest thing to do, as most of them were in love. And even some of those whom Dragon Ming had put to sleep were in love, too.

And then Dragon Ming colored the sky, and the land, and the air. He made everything shine in his beautiful city. He just knew how to do that. And blessed were those who remained alert on the night of September 14.

This story is as short as the dusk, no longer than this movie: